
Monday, February 18, 2013

Cutest template...EVER...lols

In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful..
Alhamdulillah..Praise to Allah that I'm still alive and healthy to be able to write new entry for today..

I'm not saying much today because I'm practically just trying to fulfill my promise that I made few weeks ago I think..
Well, I kind of owe my friend this entry since I said I would post the link to some of the cutest blogger template sites in my blog..
Plus, I'll be able to share this with some other who might as well ask me the same thing.. ^^
and sharing is caring..
I own nothing from this neither do I make profit from sharing these sites..

I'm just being part of the society to give a little hand on this little tiny simple thing.. haha (I also don't know what I'm talking about XD)

Ok, jadi kepada sesiapa yang tak sabar nak grab template yang comel-comel tu bolehla klik link-link yang ader di bawah ni and simply follow the instructions..
It's that easy~~
Any questions if kurang faham cara insert template dan lain-lain lagi bole comment di bawah or ask me through Facebook.. ^^

Leelou Blogs
The Cutest Blog on The Block
Lena Designs
Chic Boutique

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Did I break my promise?

In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful
Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds...

What should I say today...
I'm sorry my dearest friend..
I think I just broke that promise..
huhu T.T

Tapi bila difikirkan balik, kawan Fara sebelum ni tak bagi Fara buat any artworks for the time being is only for my own sake.. Well you know, she's being concern.. Mungkin dia takut Fara tak study kalau edit-edit gambar lagi.. So tell you what, I won't neglect my promise but at the same time I can still do some doodles during break from studying..Right? I'm a normal human.. I can't study for straight 8 hours without any break.. sure it took a while for an artwork to be done.. My friend know exactly about this fact, which is why she became worried..

I'm sorry.. before then, back when I'm about to sit for my PMR and SPM, it wasn't hard to stop doing whatever I'm doing even if I had to restrain myself from doing things that I love to do(almost that I can't live without doing it).. but now, I seem to not have that strong willpower anymore.. I'm not strict enough in controlling myself..
argh~ my bad.. I did it before, so what stops me now?

Again, this is all about mind-setting, mind-control & your own desire..
If you really wanna change something, like really badly wanna change it than you should've do something instead of whining and telling how hard has it been for you.. Seriously, were you even trying?

I think I have not try enough and I'm very disappointed with myself.. so, I'm gonna stop all this whining and work harder.. we human beings do have problems, but it is how we cope up with it.. Allah will not help you if you yourself don't really try to help yourself..think about it.. when u failed something, ask yourself "have I tried harder?"

Ingatlah, walau seribu kali anda mencuba melakukan sesuatu namun hanya cubaan ke 1001 yang berhasil.. Anda sebenarnya bukan gagal sebanyak seribu kali tetapi anda mengambil seribu percubaan sebelum menjumpai langkah ke 1001 yang lebih baik dan tepat..

lastly, I'm gonna upload the artwork that made me broke my promise..lols
rather simple because I don't really use much editing nor spent a lot of time doing this..I decided to make it simple and fast.. Next time, I'll try harder and slowly will be able to show my improvement, right? It's not fun if you're already good isn't it..hehe (ayat bela diri..)

p/s : can't wait to learn how to doodle using photoshop..just found the  tutorial..hehe

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Last artwork till exam is over..

In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful
Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds...

Okay, I found out recently a little technique to use in order to enhance my artwork a bit.. I'm a newbie, it looks rather simple if you want to compare with all the pro's out there.. And maybe, right after exam I will start to learn how to use Illustrator.. It's quite embarrassing to upload my 'childish' artwork and show it to others ( seriously, I am embarrassed) but somehow I need a little advice and opinion  so I still did it...

so this is the artwork I did for today.. I use myself as the model..lol.. I mean, I look out for my old pictures where I was wearing pashmina ( Hanna Tajima style) and drew out from there.. then, I started colouring with the only software that I'm quite already use to it => Photoshop CS4 . There how it goes and tadaaaa~

19/12/2012 Artwork that brings up my friend's grumblings, reminding me to study.. hihi.. I'm just grateful to have a friend who is constantly reminding me.. Alhamdulillah

So, I did promise her I would stop doing all this artwork 'thingy' until exams is over and so I have to fulfill my promise to her.. A good mu'min will not broke her promise isn't it? Yes, I know.. I will then wait for 12 Jan 2013 patiently and start doing another artwork..this time I will try something different..what I've never try before and I will start recollecting my younger brother's artwork.. He's a lot better in drawing and I just want to share it with the world.. He deserves recognition for his talent because I don't like it if others tell him that his talent will not bring him anywhere.. I believe Allah gave him that talent for special reasons and definitely Allah has a place for him later when he grow up.. In shaa Allah..

New artwork will not come up for the time being (until 12 Jan 2013 In shaa Allah) but if I got a little time to spent in writing then I'll still be writing new entry..lol
Assalamua'laikum to all my readers, brothers and sisters.. May Allah bless all of you..

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Sketches...First experience

Dengan Nama Allah Yang Maha Pemurah Lagi Maha Penyayang..

And so today I did a few sketches, it first started with me doing some doodles for my banner.. I want to change it to something new & pretty, something suits with my blog title.. As you know, ScrapbookDanKopi..

Nak dijadikan cerita, mula-mula tu sketch la gambar kopi..lepas tu, scrapbook (kinda..).. tapi kemudian, jeng...jeng..jeng.. I started sketching some faces.. gambar perempuan bertudung mata bulat besar-besar tu.. and slowly, it change to muka kawan-kawan yang ada dekat sekeliling.. and then, sorang-sorang minta Fara sketch muka diorang.. It was pretty hilarious, but fun.. haha..

You never know when things slowly starts to change than what you've already planned beforehand.. and seriously, I never thought I was skillful neither do I believe I have any special talent.. I don't call those sketches I've done as gifted but rather some new 'game' that I found quite fun..

and this is going to be a new footstep to my other part..becoming a sketcher maybe..haha..lame~.. but I'm still going to put some extra effort in improving my sketches or doodles or whatever you call them lols.. and use it in a good way for a good deed..  you know that everything is being count and written all over your 'account book' right? and your yearly 'Account books' are going to be shown right in front of you later (masa nak dihisab la).. jadi dengan itu, tak kirala bakat ke, kebolehan ke yang baru kita dapat ni semoga kita guna untuk kebaikan kita dan orang lain.. ingat~~ pahala masuk tau dak!!

Tak nak la buat untuk hiburan semata-mata.. Semoga Allah redha dan berkati apa yang aku nak buat ni.. That's all I can pray and hope for.. I'm just another Muslim who wants to be a good Mu'min..

That's all for now folks.. I'm gonna update with the sketches soon..hehe..tapi tak boleh nak letak semua ler..hehe sebab ada yang dah bagi pada kawan..ada yang segan~~ hehe


Ya Allah first time kaler artwork sendiri..noob kot~ haha kena blajaq illustrator cepat2 nih..hehe
Yang 'love biru' tu budak sebelah kanan ni tambah..hihi my classmate, Azrin

Monday, December 17, 2012


Dengan Nama Allah yang Maha Pemurah Lagi Maha Penyayang..
Selawat dan salam kepada baginda Rasulullah S.A.W serta keluarga baginda..

In a blink of an eye, the final examination for my 2nd year a.k.a the 3rd semester is coming in not less than 2 weeks.. wohooo~~~  (kerik..kerik)  -.-'

I must say that I'm not fully ready.. There are so many things that I haven't go through yet, plus some new chapter that we haven't even finish yet in the class.. it's another short sem again and we knew it all along.. but yeah, my bad in managing my time..

As I said earlier in my post, again --> Timing..

You have to plan well, do well and follow strictly to your schedule..
Sometimes things came up tho we've planned everything, but what to do?
As long as you can keep up to your schedule as far as you can go then go on girl~ or bro..? hehe

Because whether you like it or NOT, the time you lose will never go back, so why despair over the past?
You can't earn back those time, yeah true..but hey! 'It's never too late to change the future"
 And I know I have around two weeks to get everything glued in my head but I'm not giving up.. I pray everything will go smoothly => all my preparations including the condition of my health.. I plan, but He plan better.. so, I'll just leave everything to Him after all my preparations.. It is what we Muslims been taught, and yohooo~ times to practice all that you got in your big heart over there..
Yea~ you know have it there right... (smileeee~)

Assalamua'laikum~ and take care..
have a good sleep everyone.. =)


السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته

بِسْــــــــــــــــــمِ اﷲِالرَّحْمَنِ اارَّحِيم

Kepadanya aku bersyukur atas nikmat nafas yang masih diberi pada tanggal 17 Dec 2012 ini. Alhamdulillah. My first entry untuk blog yang baru make up-make up sket nih..haha.. dah tak larat sebenarnya dok touch up blog ni dari semalam.. I'm a person who's addicted to editing, yang suka tengok kekemasan, struktur yang teratur semua bagai jadi bila sekali nak tukar template or anything it will take most of my time.. Tak tahulah macamana nak control.. Once I sit in front of my lappy and buka photoshop, tak sah kalau tak 2 jam lebih..kan dah rugi tu, bole study taw nak exam ni..huhuhu..

bukan ker Allah dah tekankan dalam surah Al-Asr,

“Demi MASA. Sesungguhnya manusia itu dalam kerugian. Kecuali yang beriman dan yang beramal soleh.
Yang berpesan-pesan dengan KEBENARAN. Yang berpesan-pesan dengan KESABARAN”.
walaupun surah ni pendek tapi tafsirannya boleh jadi panjang kerana nak menerangkan betapa pentingnya masa kepada umat. kena pulak untuk zaman sekarang ni.. kita umat akhir zaman ni lagila, rasa masa tu kejap sangat kan? untunglah orang yang rasa masanya dapat dimanfaatkan sepenuhnya. Alhamdulillah.. Muhasabah diri kejap fajr' ni.. in shaa Allah, ada lagi masa untuk kita lakukan perubahan..
Akhir kata, renungkan kata-kata ni..
Orang yangmemanfaatkan masa ialah orang yang busy.
Kenapa? kerana masa tu tak cukup untuk dia buat semua kerja.. it means, dia guna sepenuhnya la masa yang ada tu.. tapi ingat, busy tu untuk apa? Untuk kerja yang berfaedah dan baikla.. kalau untuk main game, tengok video, mendownload memang takde kejadahnye lah yer.. Wassalam