
Thursday, December 20, 2012

Did I break my promise?

In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful
Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds...

What should I say today...
I'm sorry my dearest friend..
I think I just broke that promise..
huhu T.T

Tapi bila difikirkan balik, kawan Fara sebelum ni tak bagi Fara buat any artworks for the time being is only for my own sake.. Well you know, she's being concern.. Mungkin dia takut Fara tak study kalau edit-edit gambar lagi.. So tell you what, I won't neglect my promise but at the same time I can still do some doodles during break from studying..Right? I'm a normal human.. I can't study for straight 8 hours without any break.. sure it took a while for an artwork to be done.. My friend know exactly about this fact, which is why she became worried..

I'm sorry.. before then, back when I'm about to sit for my PMR and SPM, it wasn't hard to stop doing whatever I'm doing even if I had to restrain myself from doing things that I love to do(almost that I can't live without doing it).. but now, I seem to not have that strong willpower anymore.. I'm not strict enough in controlling myself..
argh~ my bad.. I did it before, so what stops me now?

Again, this is all about mind-setting, mind-control & your own desire..
If you really wanna change something, like really badly wanna change it than you should've do something instead of whining and telling how hard has it been for you.. Seriously, were you even trying?

I think I have not try enough and I'm very disappointed with myself.. so, I'm gonna stop all this whining and work harder.. we human beings do have problems, but it is how we cope up with it.. Allah will not help you if you yourself don't really try to help yourself..think about it.. when u failed something, ask yourself "have I tried harder?"

Ingatlah, walau seribu kali anda mencuba melakukan sesuatu namun hanya cubaan ke 1001 yang berhasil.. Anda sebenarnya bukan gagal sebanyak seribu kali tetapi anda mengambil seribu percubaan sebelum menjumpai langkah ke 1001 yang lebih baik dan tepat..

lastly, I'm gonna upload the artwork that made me broke my promise..lols
rather simple because I don't really use much editing nor spent a lot of time doing this..I decided to make it simple and fast.. Next time, I'll try harder and slowly will be able to show my improvement, right? It's not fun if you're already good isn't it..hehe (ayat bela diri..)

p/s : can't wait to learn how to doodle using photoshop..just found the  tutorial..hehe

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